Businesses today rely heavily upon IT functionality and support. Whether you maintain an in-house IT department or outsource all of your IT functions, it is vital that your IT resources align with your business goals so that you keep moving forward.

Increasing Security – Advancements in technology have spurred user productivity, but also increased security risks with greater sharing of confidential data. Organisations can minimise data loss and breaches by performing a third-party security assessment to evaluate any vulnerabilities, including protecting devices, securing networks through secure socket layer (SSL) encryption, controlling access, and regularly monitoring and auditing all print devices, particularly networked MFPs.

Developing Business Buy-in for Your IT Strategy – In order to implement an effective IT strategy that aligns with your company goals and mission, you will need to have buy-in for your plan from stakeholders and management, as well as your IT and operation teams. You will also need to secure customer buy-in, especially if your strategy involves the use of new or different technology that changes the user experience and end product or service provided. You can facilitate this process by asking for customer feedback on what technology features and functionality they would like to see in your products or services.