Is Mobile Printing Right for Your Business
On-Demand Printing and Agility
Mobile employees need access to business documents, but “read-only” access isn’t enough. Mobile team members need to be agile: able to create, use, and share notes, invoices, and fact sheets. Mobile printing eliminates cumbersome workarounds (like emailing documents to yourself or a client) and can even allow guests and customers to print.
• Security — Passwords, ID cards, and two-factor authentication can all be leveraged in mobile printing solutions to prevent data loss. Of course, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies are mandatory.
• Costs — Mobile printing can reduce hardware expenses by freeing your team to use smartphones and tablets instead of costly laptop computers. Ensure central management—like an MPS partner—oversees your mobile printing solution.
• Ease of Use — Depending on your needs, you may prefer email-to-printer, browser-based solutions, independent applications, or MPS tools to get your documents from device to paper.
• Features — Your solution can include functionalities like guest printing and eco-friendly rules, or your devices can be set up to keep your options simple.