Leave us your Feedback

Your feedback is important to us! Let us know how we’re doing by filling out the form below. 

If you do have a specific question, or need help solving a problem, you can log a service call or contact us to connect with our support team.

    Your Information:

    General Administration:

    1. On a Scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate your overall satisfaction with BBC Digital? - (1 being very unhappy and 5 being very happy.)

    2. On a Scale of 1 to 5 how likely are you to recommend BBC Digital? - (1 being very unlikely and 5 being very likely.)

    3. Do you have any areas of concern that need addressing?YesNo


    4. Do you currently use paper-based/online forms or have a need for forms in your business?YesNo

    5. Are you currently outsourcing any of your printing?YesNo

    Sales Department:

    1. On a Scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate the Account Management you are receiving? - (1 being very bad and 5 being excellent.)

    2. How Often would you like to hear from us regarding updates & Reviews?

    3. Do you have any other unmanaged machines/other locations or onsite devices?YesNo


    4. Would you like BBC to investigate opportunities to refresh your fleet of print devices and add additional value and
    services to your business?

    Service Department:

    1. On a Scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate the level of service you are receiving? - (1 being very bad and 5 being excellent.)

    2. Is your equipment performing to satisfaction?YesNo


    3. Do you require any additional training?YesNo

    Accounts Payable Processes:

    1. What is your current accounting system?

    2. How many Invoices do you receive per month?

    3. How many documents do you manually scan per month?

    4. Would you be interested in attending a BBC Event around automation and latest technologies?YesNo

    Business Details:

    1. Have your business details changed in the last 12 months?YesNo
