Experiencing Burnout? Steps to Get Back on Track
Are you feeling burned out at work? Heavy workloads, deadline pressures, a lack of work/life balance, and a poor work culture are just some of the contributory causes. Signs and symptoms of burnout include insomnia, chronic fatigue, headaches, irritability, and depression. Fortunately, you can take steps to beat burnout and keep it at bay if it tries to creep back in. Here’s how…
Treat Yourself To A Vacation – Perhaps you just need to get away from it all to clear your head and regain your mojo. Schedule time off to relax and rejuvinate.
Change Your Routine – Your work routine may contribute to burnout in your daily job. So alter it to create some excitement and fresh challenges.
Talk To Someone You Trust – Another way to relieve the pressure is to turn to someone you trust for a heart-to-heart.
Take Care Of Yourself – Eat healthy food choices, create an exercise regime, and get at least eight hours of sleep per night.
Pursue Other Interests – Pursue your hobbies or take up a new one. They’ll help you relieve stress and relax, enhance your skillset, give you new perspectives, and make you happier.